Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Learning Journal 12

I have learned sooooo much from this class in such a short little semester.
1)What have I learned about integrating technology into the classroom?
I learned that using technology in the classroom is the becoming extremely important in keeping up with the 21st century. We have so many new technologies available that make networking and collaboration so much easier. Teaching children with these tools will only increase their level of learning.

2)What I still want to know about using technology in the classroom.
I guess I would like to know a proper balance of when technology is good to use and when it can be better to stick with the old fashioned way. I guess you can almost always incorporate technology into a lesson plan somewhere. Even if I were to say that I just want students to make up a story, I could have them type it up, make it into a digital story, or have them act it out onto a youtube video.

I would also like to find out ways to get more technology into classrooms that can't afford it. Are there any special programs through companies to get used computers or microphones or things like that.

3)Advice for students taking this class in the future:
-Failure is okay!!
-Keep up with your learning journal
-Don't do your work for the sake of the grade, do your work for the sake of learning
-Keep an open mind to the new ideas
-Don't be afraid of technology!

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