Monday, February 22, 2010

RSS Feed

I am following 12 different sites on my Google Feeder Reader. At first I didn't know what I was really looking for when I searched for sites. Because I am a nursing major I started off searching for nursing sites. I subscribed to several of the nursing sites because some had potential job opportunities and current issues in nursing. When I started thinking more from an educators perspective I searched for lesson plans. I subscribed to an anatomy and some biology science lesson planning sites. I started thinking about how my high school biology teacher always used to have these new interesting topics that related to what we were learning about in biology. To get current topics on science I subscribed to several science journals including the New York Times and PBS.

I chose the sites I did based on the number of other subscribers listed, and also based on how often new material was published from that site. I stayed away from the sites that rarely published material or that had less than 100 subscribers. I searched for PBS because in my past learning experiences they have always provided amazing videos and documentaries.

I did not find this exercise too difficult. I was a little confused at first as to what types of sites I was going to be searching for. Once I started thinking about newspapers and journals that post weekly articles, that's when I started to find A ton of useful material. I guess sifting through the different sites to find a good one was the most time consuming part.

As a teacher a feeder reader could be extremely beneficial for both teaching and learning. For me, if I were teaching a biology class, I could easily pull up relevant current events in science to supplement my lesson planning. I could also follow the lesson planning sites to find new ways to make my lessons more interesting. I could have my students join a feeder reader and have them pull up current events on a topic we learn in class. This could be a fun class project! What made freshman year high school biology so interesting to me was that our teacher was always showing us articles about how they were using all of these new technologies in the medical fields. That has been my all time favorite class and with a feeder reader its really easy to keep up with all this cool new science stuff!

What I want to know more about feeder readers is how to better organize all of my different feeds. It was pretty easy sorting through the information with only 12 feeds but if I had a ton more it might get a bit frustrating. Also, I would like to know if we can share the sites we are getting feeds from with someone else or if someone can view or subscribe to my feeds.

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