Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fair Use, Copyright, and Creative Commons



Please describe how the multimedia artifact you submitted for this assignment demonstrates your understanding of the following issues:

(a) Educational Fair Use
To me, fair use is a hard concept to describe with short terms or a presentation. The only way I really understood what is fair under fair use was to read the limitations in the PDF file. So intstead of trying to overexplain, I just provided the link to the PDF which describes the Fair Use policies.

(b) Creative Commons
I described Creative Commons in a basic manner. After showing how confusing it might be to understand fair use, I lead into Creative Commons and showed that its an easy way to share and collaborate information. I also showed that Flickr is a website that works in conjunction with Creative Commons.

(3) Please provide a self-evaluation of your artifact using the following criteria:

Creativity: This presentation was very basic with a few pictures to help explain the text. It was not very creative in its style and gave just basic information

Artifact design: The artifact was very simple. I just uploaded the picture from Flickr and made sure I provided a link to give credit to the author. Very basic.

Success in demonstrating knowledge of content: I think I gave the bare minimum when it came to describing the information. I myself don't fully understand copyright and fair use so it was hard to try and present the information.

Effort put forth: As far as creative effort, not very much was put forth. I think after being so frustrated with trying to understand what I was supposed to be doing I failed to put much effort forth in the actual artifact.

Level of learning attained: I attained an Okay amount of learning.

(4) Provide feedback on the assignment so I can continually improve the course.
This was one of my least favorite assignments so far. It might have been that I had so many tests this week. It was hard for me to try and focus and learn the material. I think the creating of a multimedia artifact part was too much for a homework assignment. I already dreaded trying to figure out copyright because it always confuses me and when I knew I had to create something to demonstrate my learning about it, I kind of just gave up before I even began.

1 comment:

  1. Holy priceless collection of Etruscan snoods, Batman!

    You've done an excellent job with your journals. You have impressed me with your thoughtfulness and consideration of topics.

    Keep up the great work.
