Friday, March 12, 2010

Curiosity, Imagination, Creativity, & Play

Step 1: What do I know about curiosity, imagination, creativity, & play?
So far in my life, I fell that I know a great deal about the above topics. I think they are the fundamentals of how and why we learn at such a young age. I was a curious child, which made me experiment, which in turn made me learn. Also at a young age, I think most everyone had wild imaginations which I think goes hand in hand with creativity. And of course playing made learning seem all the more fun.

Step 2: What do I want to know about Curiosity, Imagination, Creativity, & Play?
I want to know why we sometimes lose our sense of the above as we get older. And how can we regain these important aspects back to help us make learning more fun. How can I incorporate these things into a lesson plan for highschoolers or college students, without making them run screaming because they are too embarrassed to have fun and explore.

Step 3: What did I learn?
Through the videos, I learned how important it really is to not lose sight of curiosity, imagination, creativity, & play in education. Below are some of the key points that stood out to me.
1. We get educated out of our creativity because we are taught not to be wrong. It is extremely important for us to take risks in life because that it how we learn. Many times, the way I learn best, is when I make a mistake. Yes, its no fun to fail, but learning it first hand helps you learn it better.

2. Open your mind to new experiences and use your imagination to imagine how other people live. This forces us to leave our comfort zones, which can be very hard. But there is so much in the world out there for us to learn, we just have to go out there and experience it.

3. Play is natural-this came as no surprise to me. This made complete sense. Especially when they showed how animals play, all the way through adulthood. It appears almost unnatural for us to not include play at older ages in education.

4. Why isn't everyone successful in life if everyone is capable? Is it laziness or fear? This question really spoke tome when I thought about a lot of the decisions I made in my decision to pick a major even. I told myself that I was afraid to be a premed major because I was not smart enough. But really, when I look back on my thinking, I know I was capable of being smart enough, I just was too lazy to put the work in to be that smart.

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